For employers and employees in Tennessee, the workplace looks very different these days than it did 50 years ago. In particular, laws regarding employee rights and workplace policies have changed in dramatic and important ways. Therefore, it is important for employers to ensure their business complies with applicable employment laws, and it is important for employees to understand their rights under current law.
And, part of running a business means that questions and disputes between employers and employees will arise. It is important to resolve these issues in a fair manner, as they can have hefty financial and personal implications for all involved.
Our firm has provided guidance to employers in Illinois who have needed to update their workplace policies, so that they are in compliance with the law, as the laws and regulations change. We have also assisted employees whose rights under employment laws were violated. Some of the types of cases we have handled include: workplace discrimination cases; cases of sexual harassment; cases involving the Family Medical Leave Act; whistleblower cases; wage and hour cases; noncompete agreement cases and more.
When an employer is facing a lawsuit, it could affect its very ability to make a profit, stay competitive and it could affect the business’s reputation in its community. It is often advisable in such cases to be proactive and address the problem. In addition, when it is an employee whose rights have been violated, that employee may have suffered negatively, both financially and emotionally. Fortunately, with professional assistance employers and employees can navigate their employment law issues in a productive manner.